Lesson Three: Animal Groups & Habitats
Subject Concepts
Art Concepts
Groups and Animal Homes (Habitat)
and Composition
State Standards & Objectives (USOE/UEN):
Standard III: Life Science.
Students will gain an understanding of Life Science through the study of
changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things.
Objective 1
observations about the similarities and differences between offspring and
between populations.
Objective 2
things change and depend upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.
Standards & Objectives (USOE/UEN):
Standard I: Students will develop a sense of self.
Objective 3
Develop and use skills to
communicate ideas, information, and feelings.
Objective 2
Develop and demonstrate skills
in gross and fine motor movement.
The student will be able to…
different animal groups and state defining characteristics of each.
The student will be able to…
clay to create a representation of an imaginary animal.
materials to create a composite diorama.
Lesson Plan
Day 1)
Students will learn the basic animal groups
(Mammal, Reptile, Insect, Amphibian, Bird, and Fish) and understand basic
characteristics of them.
Students will imagine their own new animal that
they will describe on attached research guide.
Students will draw a plan of their animal with
color and habitat.
Day 2)
Students will work with clay to form the animal
they have described and drawn.
Student will name their animals.
Day 3)
Students will paint their clay animals in color.
Students will use multiple materials and glue and
arrange them within a diorama to create a habitat for their sculptures.
"My Research Journal" will be a formal
assessment of what they understand as far as the science of grouping. Their
finished product of animal sculpture and diorama will be an informal
assessment of their knowledge and skills in sculpture.
(include time estimates)
DAY 1: Animal Preparation
10 min- Read book on Animal Groups with children
and lead discussion about characteristics of animals
5 min- give children time to think about and
picture their new monster they will create.
20 min - As a class talk about each of the areas
of the Research Journal and help them fill in the blanks according to their
30 min- Have them sketch and color their animal
according to what they have recorded.
Make sure to put children's names and new animal's names on paper.
***Carefully prompt children throughout to make
this a new and unique monster
DAY 2: Sculpting
10 min- use picture of famous sculptures to pass
around to students and ask them to talk with partner about what they see and
how they compare.
5 min- safety explanation and materials demo
10 min- warm up with clay. Have them participate
in activities like: making a pancake, making a sphere, making a snake, etc.
5 min -
scoring demo and toothpick and googly eyes demo
35 min- sculpting their animal while teacher
assists and prompts and answers questions.
DAY 3: Diorama Habitats and Painting
5 min: materials prep and centers explanation,
careful handling of animal sculptures
2 activity centers: Painting and creating Diorama
Have children primarily working on dioramas, and
call up small groups for 20 minutes at a time to paint animals.
Painting (20 min)
8 children in each group
Have colors on plates with 2 paint brushes in
each color. Have children with animals on newspaper painting them. Set aside
to dry.
Spray dry painted animals with finishing spray to
avoid cracking.
Dioramas (30 min)
Each child has box and will create a world for
their animal to live in using materials they brought from home. Use Elmer's
glue to attach all them materials. They may decorate outside and inside of
Teacher will hot glue completed dried animals in
Put the dioramas on display in classroom as
"Mrs.___________'s Zoo" with plaques for each student posted with
their name and animal name.
Visit: http://www.uen.org/core/ to find UEN/USOE
My Animal Discovery Journal
Researcher’s Name:
What type of animal is it? Circle One.
Fish Bird Mammal Reptile
What does my animal look like?
Does the animal have…
Fur Feathers Scales _______________
Where does the animal live? Circle One.
Water Land Air
Describe the Environment:
Where in the world is it
What does my animal like to do?
Sounds Like?
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